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It was our sheer commitment and belief that if you scientifically approach market, along with perseverance and discipline, keep aside your emotion then very handsome profit can be made even on small capital.

Our Founding Partner Apoorva Raval started journey of developing his own Hedge Fund and devoting himself to full time job of managing owns capital in early 2011 and was successful in creating positive return for his own Equity Fund.

Along the way team expanded and we got exposure in commodity trading & bond trading. Currently Core Team of Three people manage over 2.5 Million INR Proprietary Hedge Fund.


In pursue to extent benefits of our Experience & Research of over 8 years, we have open our subscription to External Members / Clients. We now do manage funds on behalf of our member - clients in same manner as we do ours.


In dealing with member’s money we open separate accounts for each member / client and all necessary investment are done in their name only.


You can get more specify information about us on Investment Style, what are our main interest and Our fund strategy in Fund Philosophy section.




A Qualified MBA Finance from Gujarat University, He has experience over 8 year in field  of  Investment and portfolio management. 


Had work with MNC banks  & Pvt Banks  at different capacity and dealt with complex instrument like Offshore funds, Currency derivatives, REITs & Structure Notes. 

Apoorva Raval - Partner & Fund Manager​

Ashutosh Shilu - Partner & Dealer

He has completed Commerce graduation from Christ College. Has experience of over 4 years in Capital & Commodity market in various capacity. Had handle various operation for his own broking house and has prime knowledge in I.T. field.



Note from Apoorva Raval

In my over 5 years of experience with Private Bank, MNC Banks and National Equity Brokers, I came to realize one thing, that most of them think about their profits, commission and interest first. Employee of such organization are pushing financial product to secure their salary and fat commission or foreign trip. In Real sense they hardly care about client interest and client financial well-being, If it would not be like that then 2008 Crash would never ever happen.


One more thing I understand over period of my career with this institution is about people habit with their money, most of the time they fall victim to this financial juggler tricks like: they sell  complicated products,( which  some time adviser or seller of product, themselves don't understand ) unrequired Insurance, or do excessive trading or unnecessary  churning of portfolio.


And in the end you as an investor losses money over and over again  


Think about it... how many times it had happen to you.. ? Is there any way to be safe from this bias and corporate politics ​?

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